5–7 Jun 2024
Hotelschool The Hague
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline
    No deadline

Following the success of the previous three conferences (2018; 2020; 2022), we are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for THE INC 2024 titled ‘Technology Enabled Competitiveness and Experiences in Tourism, Hospitality and Events’.

THE INC welcomes theoretical, empirical, experimental, and case study research contributions. These contributions should clearly highlight their theoretical and/or practical implications. Whilst the focus of the conference is on technology use from both the supply and demand side, topics may be used as relevant contexts include but are not limited to the following:

Competitiveness, sustainability and corporate social responsibility
Consumer behaviour, decision-making, expectations, experience and satisfaction
Smart cities / destinations / tourism / infrastructure
Culture, heritage, place -making and storytelling
AR/VR/XR, Metaverse
Human resources, equality, diversity, and labour operations
Robotics, AI, Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics
Emerging and innovative research methods and methodologies
Sharing/gig economy, collaborative consumption, value co-creation
Innovation, creativity and change management
IT, ICT, e-tourism, social media, gamification and mobile technologies
Marketing, advertising, branding and reputation management
Policy, planning, and governance
Health, well-being, quality of life and wellness
Training and tourism, hospitality and events education
Other interdisciplinary areas related with tourism, hospitality, and event
Abstract Submission

Abstract’s word count should be between 500 to 700 words (excluding references). The abstract should include the purpose of the research, the methods used and the key /expected findings.

The abstract should be submitted via the Indico online conference platform. Please note that for the conference, you only need to submit an abstract. All submitted abstracts will be double-blind peer reviewed by independent, expert referees.

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The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.