5–7 Jun 2024
Hotelschool The Hague
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Responsibility with Purpose: Responsible Leadership and Organizational Outcomes in Hospitality Industry

Not scheduled
Hotelschool The Hague

Hotelschool The Hague

Oral presentation Hospitality


Responsible leadership is often linked with ethical conduct and promoting the organization's and its stakeholders' well-being Responsible leadership is characterized as an approach to leadership that prioritizes ethical and social obligations and considers the benefits of all stakeholders, including consumers, staff members, and the community. Therefore, employees may adopt the environmentally conscious behaviors of their superiors to lessen the impact of their socially negligent actions. Responsible leaders hold an optimal position to advance social learning theory. Responsible leaders may influence the morals and obligations of their employees via apparent trustworthiness, behavior modeling, and accessibility to both rewards and punishment Considering the nature of hospitality businesses and using social learning theory, this study determines the direct and indirect impact of responsible leadership on eco-friendly behaviors and unethical organizational behaviors in Pakistani hospitality industry. Additionally, sensemaking factors proposed by Auginis et al. (2019) were used as mediators and moderators in this research. We used a multi–study approach – survey-based research and scenario-based experimental study – for data collection. This approach strengthens internal and external validity by addressing numerous cross-sectional research design issues. In Study 1, 313 respondents participated, whereas in Study 2, 197 respondents participated. The results provide interesting results by finding positive impact of responsible leadership on unethical stance of the organizations, whereas leaders’ stance dampens the positive relationship between responsible leadership and dependent variables. The implications for researchers, and guidelines for managers are discussed in detail.

Primary authors

Muhammad Ishtiaq Ishaq (School of Management Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University) Ms Rameesha Abbas (CA 'Foscari University of Venice) Dr Ali Raza (Excelia Business School)

Presentation materials

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