5–7 Jun 2024
Hotelschool The Hague
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Management of new procedures' implementations risks in the hotel industry : A case study from Crete, Greece

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Hotelschool The Hague

Hotelschool The Hague

Oral presentation Hospitality


Management of new procedures’ implementation risks in the hotel industry
A case study from the island of Crete, Greece

Maria Zoi Spanaki
University of Sunderland

In a continuous changing world, where the innovation is highly demanded for companies to remain powerful players in the global game of competition, risk management attracts more attention and higher interest. The establishment of new processes in the hotels’ operation enhances the concept of uncertainty that risk is related to, and the implementation of a risk management plan, is considered extremely important for the prevention of any unexpected worrying results (Wut et.al, 2021). It is globally accepted, that tourism industry is vulnerable in risks, as it is a combination of several factors that affect its efficient operation. Focus on the hotels, which are key components in touristic activities, they have to deal with several aspects to win their competitive advantage in the market (Alzoubi & Jaaffar, 2020). Their success is related to innovative processes and consequently to the risks that might occur after their application in a hotel’s day-to-day operation.
In the context of hospitality, employees have a vital role in the daily efficient operation of a hotel and the concept of teamwork impacts their performance (Phuong & Huy, 2022). The highly engaged employees, increase job satisfaction, provide effective customer service and produce better hotel outcomes (Rabiul et.al, 2023). Essential element for a pleasant working environment that is attractive and enhances a hotel’s competitive advantage is the management team and specifically the person whose role is the leader of that team – the hotel manager. A hotel manager is the motivator of creativity and team spirit, and it is the main decision maker that is based not only on technical but also effective social skills and knowledge (Ushakov et.al, 2020) (Kainthola, 2021). As the indicators of new processes in a hotel’s operation, the most valuable point is their effort for personal growth and up-to-date information. Their self-improvement will enhance the “out of the box” way of thinking and it will point out the importance of continuous staff training regarding not only the daily hotel procedures but also the need for potential risks’ evaluation and assessments procedures (Olimovich et.al, 2020).
Nowadays and through the use of technology, the continuous self- update regarding the new trends in the market, is considered as an easily achievable target. The development of several means of technology allow hotel managers to follow the movements in the tourism market, apply changes in their hotels and explore the beauty of innovative procedures that can bring higher profit in their businesses. The several hotel review platforms and the opportunity that tourists have to express freely their opinions and the advantage they have to choose their future holiday based on a range of available prices, creates a new perspective for the hotel competition as well as, it draws a new era for the hospitality industry in general (Pappas, 2015). What it should be taken into consideration is that continuous technological achievements mean more innovative ideas and consequently more potential risks.
The aim of this study is to investigate hotel managers’ knowledge regarding risk management and to highlight the importance of creation of risk management action plans, related to the implementation of new services. As the touristic activity of the island of Crete, contributes to a high percentage to the national GDP of the country, this research was conducted among the four regions of the island, and it is based on qualitative data collection through individual interviews with 35 hotel managers. All participants had to respond to 22 open questions regarding teamwork, competency, competition ,personal development and risk management. The interview were conducted in person and the duration of each one was about 25 – 30 minutes. The findings positively indicates a strong connection between teamwork and efficient hotel operation. Additionally, it is highlighted the necessity of innovation for the hotels’ improvement, and it points out the impact of technology on the market competition. From the other point of view, the results show limited awareness of risk management and the necessity for the creation of a risk management plan that could be applied when an innovative idea takes place.

Alzoubi, R.H.M. and Jaaffar, A.H., 2020. Leadership styles, crisis management, and hotel performance: A conceptual perspective of the Jordanian hotel industry. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(10), pp.556-562.
Kainthola, V.P., 2021. Principles of hotel management.
Olimovich, D.I., Bakhtiyorovich, T.M. and Salimovna, N.G., 2020. Improving of personnel training in hotel business. Academy, (2 (53)), pp.18-19.
Pappas, N., 2015. Internet Use and destination preferences: evidence from Crete and Cyprus. In Strategic Infrastructure Development for Economic Growth and Social Change (pp. 218-236). IGI Global.
Phuong, H.V. and Huy, T.H., 2022. Effects of teamwork on employee performance: a case study of the hotel sector in Can Tho City, Vietnam. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 41(2), pp.472-476.
Rabiul, M.K., Shamsudin, F.M., Yean, T.F. and Patwary, A.K., 2023. Linking leadership styles to communication competency and work engagement: evidence from the hotel industry. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 6(2), pp.425-446.
Ushakov, R.N., Kryukova, E.M., Khetagurova, V.S., Mukhomorova, I.V. and Zelenov, V.V., 2020. Efficiency of hotel management. Training of specialists in hotel industry field. Journal of Environmental Management & Tourism, 11(2 (42)), pp.388-395.
Wut, T.M., Xu, J.B. and Wong, S.M., 2021. Crisis management research (1985–2020) in the hospitality and tourism industry: A review and research agenda. Tourism Management, 85, p.104307.

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