5–7 Jun 2024
Hotelschool The Hague
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Residents’ perceptions of empowerment and trust in tourism institution within an all-inclusive tourism development model

Not scheduled
Hotelschool The Hague

Hotelschool The Hague

Oral presentation Tourism


All-inclusive tourism development model provides local government with the opportunity to benefit from an untapped source of revenue to support public finance and national economic development strategy (Nunkoo & Ramkissoon, 2016; Pratt, 2015). Although there is belated recognition, criticism surrounding such development has emphasized the emergence of this approach as being implemented in the form of “internal capitalism” with a strong presence of Western ideology and practices (Mbaiwa, 2005; Sharpley, 2020). In one sense, due to its characteristics – isolation, exclusiveness, and remoteness – this monothematic development is debatable, questioning its contribution to small economies and ability to ensure that residents’ wellbeing is secured, and community empowerment is preserved (Nunkoo & Ramkissoon, 2016). Against this backdrop, this study seeks to examine the relationship between residents’ perception of all-inclusive tourism development model and its association with residents’ perception of empowerment, trust in tourism institutions, and support for sustainable tourism development. To scrutinize these perspectives, survey data was collected during the months of July, August, and October of 2022 on the touristic points (Santa Maria, Murdeira, Palmeira) on the island of Sal. Using a paper-and-pencil and a door-to-door data collection mode, 341 questionnaires were validated. Extended empowerment (Boley & McGehee, 2014), Perception of All-inclusive Resorts (PAIR) (Woosnam & Erul, 2017), trust in tourism institutions (Nunkoo & Smith, 2013) and support for sustainable tourism development (Man Cheng et al., 2021) scales, using 5-points, were used to measure those dimensions. The study used SmartPLS software to test the reliability and validity using CB-SEM, and PLS-SEM to test the path coefficient. Results indicate that under the condition of all-inclusive tourism development model, relationship between perception of empowerment and support for sustainable tourism development was not significant. Similarly, perception of empowerment did not have a significant effect on trust in tourism institutions. However, perception of all-inclusive tourism development model significantly affect residents’ trust in tourism institution. Additionally, perception of empowerment and trust in tourism institutions were found to influence residents’ support for sustainable tourism development.

Primary author

Edson Redy Moreira dos Santos (University of Algarve)


B. Bynum Boley (University of Georgia) Luís Nobre Pereira (University of Algarve) Manuel Alector Ribeiro (University of Surrey) Patrícia Pinto (University of Algarve)

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