5–7 Jun 2024
Hotelschool The Hague
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Investigating Crowdfunding Approaches for Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives in Hotel Industry

Not scheduled
Hotelschool The Hague

Hotelschool The Hague

Oral presentation Hospitality


Hotels play a crucial role in the tourism industry and must fulfill their corporate social responsibility (CSR) obligations, which encompass environmental and social aspects. Research indicates that hotel customers are increasingly aware of and influenced by the CSR practices of hotels (Latif, Pérez, & Sahibzada, 2020). For example, CSR activities may impact visitors' preferences for accommodations, willingness to pay, perception of service quality, and brand image (Kucukusta, Mak, & Chan, 2013). Crowdfunding can be considered an innovative and creative way to provide financial sources for hotel CSR projects (Baber et al., 2022; Bagheri, Chitsazan, & Koolaji, 2020).
Despite the growing awareness of CSR in the hotel industry, hoteliers have not yet recognized it as a competitive advantage in their business strategies. Taking into consideration the importance of the CSR for hotels, however, funding and implementing the CSR projects remain challenging. The current research aims to understand the possibility of using crowdfunding for hotel CSR projects by answering the following questions:
• Are hoteliers willing to use crowdfunding for their CSR projects for the benefit of local communities and the environment?

Research objectives
This research aims to analyze the feasibility of the proposed initiative. To achieve this goal, the current study will seek to comprehend the perspective of the hotel sector regarding the utilization of crowdfunding for their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects.

Research method
A qualitative approach is being employed to assess the objective of the current research. Qualitative analysis will be utilized to delve into the perspective of hoteliers. Structured and semi-structured interviews will be used to gather information.

Expected findings/contribution
The findings of this research may contribute both theoretically and practically to the body of knowledge. From a theoretical perspective, the research could lead to the proposal of a conceptual framework for the success of crowdfunding for hotel CSR projects. From a practical perspective, it could help hoteliers recognize the importance of crowdfunding and its opportunities and strategies, the role of CSR for their businesses, and ultimately, the engagement of their customers in their projects.

Baber, H., Ramkissoon, H., Salem, I.E., Ghasemi, V. and Munim, Z.H. (2022), "Hospitality enterprises’ revival through crowdfunding: a cross-country study", Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality, Vol. 17 No. 4, pp. 396-412. https://doi.org/10.1108/CBTH-09-2021-0213
Bagheri, A., Chitsazan, H., & Koolaji, S. (2020). Deterrents of tourism business crowdfunding: Aversion decision and aversion behavior. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 88, 102517. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.IJHM.2020.102517
Kucukusta, D., Mak, A., & Chan, X. (2013). Corporate social responsibility practices in four and five-star hotels: Perspectives from Hong Kong visitors. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 34, 19-30.
Latif, K. F., Pérez, A., & Sahibzada, U. F. (2020). Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and customer loyalty in the hotel industry: A cross-country study. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 89, 102565.

Primary author

Vahid Ghasemi (Universidade Europeia, Portugal | CETRAD | CEFAGE)


Dr Luís Mota (Universidade Europeia, Portugal | CITUR | OSEAN)

Presentation materials

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