5–7 Jun 2024
Hotelschool The Hague
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Promoting quality of life of older master artisans through creative tourism: Examining Loulé Criativo

Not scheduled
Hotelschool The Hague

Hotelschool The Hague

Oral presentation


This study examines the important role of Creative Tourism (CT) in enhancing the Quality of Life (QoL) of older artisans in the context of social inclusion and highlights the transformative potential of CT in promoting a sense of value, active lifestyles and additional income. Focusing on the case of Loulé Criativo, this qualitative exploratory case study utilises the Framework Analysis technique for comprehensive insights. The findings shed light on how CT positively impacts dimensions such as 'role and activity', 'perception of health' and 'financial security', underlining its importance as an inclusive and transformative tourism paradigm. Despite some limitations, such as language barriers, this research highlights the urgent need for continued exploration of the nuanced effects of CT on individual wellbeing.

Primary author

Hilal Akdemir (PhD Student, University of Algarve)


Prof. José Manuel Sousa de São José (University of Algarve) Prof. Maria Alexandra Patrocínio Rodrigues Gonçalves (University of Algarve)

Presentation materials

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