5–7 Jun 2024
Hotelschool The Hague
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Examining Pro-environmental and Pro-social Attitudes of P2P Accommodations

Not scheduled
Hotelschool The Hague

Hotelschool The Hague

Oral presentation Hospitality


After a critical review of the recent literature on Airbnb as a sharing economy case into the tourism and hospitality sector, founded that there is a floor to make more research on sustainability issues. Firstly, there is a gap on how Airbnb promotes eco-friendly and sustainable travel, as well as its effects on the environment and local communities (Ding, et. al., 2023). Secondly, recent studies outlined that scholars should apply to use a qualitative approach to examine a more sustainability related issues into their future studies (Molina et. al., 2022). Lastly, more studies on the factors that encourage environmentally conscious behavior changes in customers in various contexts—like a restaurant, hotel, or destination—are needed by academia (Han, 2021)
This study focused on examining relevant linkages between motivational factors to be owner of P2P accommodation (Airbnb host) and being active in pro-environmental and pro-social actions into the life practices. This study tries to make contribution into the literature by focusing on the sustainability aspects (social and environmental) of Airbnb hosts by using qualitative research method. This study contributes by associating the motivations of being Airbnb host and being active in sustainability issues under the framework of moral values. Furthermore, the study analyzed whether an individual awareness of sustainability practices by Airbnb hosts has influence on their motivations on social responsibility actions into their hosting practices. Data collected from Famagusta town of the Cyprus Island which is an island historically interacted culturally with neighboring nations that border the Mediterranean Sea. The research focused on examining the relationship between being Airbnb host and being proactive individual on sustainable issues. Therefore, hosts answered the question to define ‘social responsibility’ in their own understanding and words. The key themes found followed as; ‘Community Engagement and Pro- social Practices’, ‘Environmental Consciousness and Pro-environmental Practices’, ‘Family Values on Moral Identity and Legal Compliance’ and ‘Restoration and Cultural Heritage’. Motivational factors of hosts are collectively highlighted in a range of motivations, including economic considerations, family dynamics, community benefit, and a sense of cultural and historical responsibility. Those findings can be examined under the ‘Collective Social Responsibility Model’ that introduced that each positive behavior of individual is an added value to the society which is creates wealth and promotes sustainable community. Findings found that hosts stress the importance of the level of environmental consciousness that is gained from education in fostering social responsibility. Respondents believed that teaching cultural heritage, environmental awareness, and ethical values, especially to children, is a crucial aspect of building a responsible society. Additionally, they indicated that hosts owing environmental sensitivity and leading pro-environmental practices into their Airbnb practices. The statements of hosts accepted as; they have good practices in their private life under the scope of social responsibility. Findings of the study showed that hosts work in a team for implementing necessary projects for the benefit of the society. Within this view, hosts can be taking responsibility in a collective level through community engagement and pro-social activities. Participants express a sense of social responsibility through the restoration of idle and old houses, contributing to the preservation of cultural heritage and historical structures.
As a context of moral identity issue of respondent hosts, the influence of family values on the development of moral identity is highlighted. Respondents attributed their sensitivity to environmental and social issues to the values instilled by their families during their upbringing.
Furthermore, hosts answered that moral values gain from education and their families, and it has a very strong link through being socially responsible individual. Some respondent hosts commented that the level of environmental consciousness and importance of environmental issues is the primary social responsibility both for our community and entire world. Findings found that hosts stress the importance of the level of environmental consciousness that is gained from education in fostering social responsibility. Respondents believed that teaching cultural heritage, environmental awareness, and ethical values, especially to children, is a crucial aspect of building a responsible society. Additionally, they indicated that hosts owing environmental sensitivity and leading pro-environmental practices into their Airbnb practices.

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